Japan to accelerate purchase of 400 U.S. Tomahawk missiles due to China

October 5, 2023

Japan has agreed to accelerate the purchase of 400 Tomahawk missiles from the United States, according to a report by the Japanese newspaper Nikkei. The purchase, which was originally scheduled for 2024, is now expected to be completed by 2023.

The decision to accelerate the purchase is reportedly due to concerns about China's growing military power. Japan is seeking to strengthen its own military capabilities in order to deter China from any potential aggression.

The Tomahawk missile is a long-range, precision-guided cruise missile that can be launched from ships, submarines, and aircraft. It is capable of carrying a variety of warheads, including conventional and nuclear.

The purchase of the Tomahawk missiles is a significant development in Japan's military posture. It is a clear signal to China that Japan is prepared to defend itself against any threat.

Here are some of the key details of the agreement:

  • Japan will purchase 400 Tomahawk missiles from the United States.
  • The purchase was originally scheduled for 2024, but it is now expected to be completed by 2023.
  • The decision to accelerate the purchase is reportedly due to concerns about China's growing military power.
  • The Tomahawk missile is a long-range, precision-guided cruise missile that can be launched from ships, submarines, and aircraft.

The implications of the agreement:

The purchase of the Tomahawk missiles is a significant development in Japan's military posture. It is a clear signal to China that Japan is prepared to defend itself against any threat.

The agreement is also likely to increase tensions between Japan and China. China has long been opposed to Japan's military buildup, and it is likely to view the purchase of the Tomahawk missiles as a provocation.

The agreement is a sign of the growing rivalry between Japan and China. As China's military power continues to grow, Japan is likely to continue to strengthen its own military capabilities in order to deter China from any potential aggression.

Additional details:

  • The Tomahawk missiles that Japan is purchasing are the Block IV variant, which have a range of up to 1,600 kilometers.
  • Japan plans to deploy the Tomahawk missiles on its 이지스함 (Aegis destroyers) and 이지스함 (Aegis submarines).
  • The purchase of the Tomahawk missiles is part of a broader effort by Japan to strengthen its military capabilities in the face of China's growing threat.


The decision by Japan to accelerate the purchase of the Tomahawk missiles is a significant development in the regional security landscape. It is a clear signal that Japan is taking China's growing military power seriously and is prepared to take steps to deter any potential aggression.

The purchase of the Tomahawk missiles is also likely to increase tensions between Japan and China. China has long been opposed to Japan's military buildup, and it is likely to view the purchase of the Tomahawk missiles as a provocation.

The agreement is a sign of the growing rivalry between Japan and China. As China's military power continues to grow, Japan is likely to continue to strengthen its own military capabilities in order to deter China from any potential aggression.

source : https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/008/0004945482?sid=104



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